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6th Grade Social Studies

Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies

Mae Luster Stephens Jr. High

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I am excited to have your child in my class this year. I am looking forward to a positive and productive year. Following are a few important things you and your child will need to know about my class.

Supplies –        Composition book

                          notebook paper

                          colored pencils

                          #2 pencils

                          blue or black pens





In order to insure your child the excellent learning atmosphere they deserve, I utilize the following posted rules and class procedures:

  1. Students will bring all supplies to class each day.
  2. Students will be seated when the tardy bell rings.
  3. Students will refrain from eating, drinking or chewing gum in class.
  4. Students will be respectful of all school wide and classroom rules.

Your child’s name will be kept on a conduct roll for each nine weeks. Each infraction of the rules will be recorded as it occurs. The consequence for your child not following the rules will depend on the severity of the behavior or action. Following are the consequences:

            Conference with student to discuss rules and expectations with a call to the


            A call to parent regarding behavior and one day of lunch detention


Office referral


I also give a participation test grade at the end of each nine weeks that is in addition to the three required academic test grades for each grading period. This grade is based on behavior, classroom organization, such as having all their required supplies as needed in my room, and needing to leave my room during class (not counting a student being called to the office). Each student will start out with a 100 participation grade and points will be deducted for each infraction.


Homework will be due the next day of class unless the directions say otherwise. Ten points will be taken off the grade each day the homework is late. After three days, a zero will be given. Students will have extra time during their Enrichment period to get extra help if needed.