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Course Syllabi

Linden Kildare High School

Biology and Biology Honors Syllabus

Teacher: Shayne Erwin

Room: 109

Telephone: 903-756-5314 Ext 4109


Biology is designed to introduce the student to the science of life.  Investigations include the characteristics of all living things have in common, the mechanisms of change, which have produced life as we know it today, and specific comparative studies of the nature of living organisms, including man.  Classroom studies are supplemented by lab work.

Biology Honors is designed for students who excel in science.  Biology I is designed to introduce the student to the science of life.  Investigations include the characteristics of all living things have in common, the mechanisms of change, which have produced life as we know it today, and specific comparative studies of the nature of living organisms, including man.  Classroom studies are supplemented by lab work

Grade Policies:

Grade Scale







Below 70



Daily Grades will count 50% of the final grade for each grade period.

Test Grades will count 50% of the final grade for each grade period.

Late work and extra credit:

No late work will be accepted.  All assignments are to be completed and turned in on the assigned due date.  As a result of this policy a student’s two lowest daily grades will be dropped at the end of each grade period. 

Extra credit may be given at the teacher’s discretion. 



If a student fails a test he/she may choose to take a retest.  All retests must be taken on Wednesdays before or after school from 3:35-4:35 pm.  No class time will be used to complete a retest.  If a student fails to show up on his/her assigned retest date they will receive the failing grade from the original test.

Year at a Glance (units for each 9 weeks period) and State Learning Objectives (TEKS) are on the following page.

Year at a Glance

Biology YAG – 9 weeks


First Semester

Second Semester

1st Nine Weeks

3rd Nine Weeks

Unit 01: Science Safety and Evidence-Based Thinking (4 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.2A, B.2B, Know scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple independent researchers. Unlike hypotheses, scientific theories are well-established and highly reliable explanations, ">B.2C, B.2D

Unit 02: Ecology (12 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3E, B.10C, B.11B, B.11C, B.11D, B.12A, B.12B, B.12C, B.12D, B.12E, B.12F

Unit 03: Biochemistry (10 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3E, B.9A, B.9C, B.9D

Unit 04: Cells (14 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3E, B.3F, B.4A, B.4B, B.5B, B.7G, B.10C, B.11A

Unit 08: Genetics and Heredity (15 days for the entire unit)
B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3D, B.3E, B.3F, B.5C, B.5D, B.6A, B.6B, B.6E, B.6F, B.6G, B.6H

Unit 09: Evolution (15 days for the entire unit)
Know scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple independent researchers. Unlike hypotheses, scientific theories are well-established and highly reliable explanations, ">B.2C, B.2D, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3A, B.3E, B.3F, B.6A, B.7A, B.7B, B.7C, B.7D, B.7E, B.7F, B.7G, B.9D, B.12B

Unit 10: Classification (7 days for the entire unit)
B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3D, B.3E, B.3F, B.4A, B.8A, B.8B, B.8C

2nd Nine Weeks

4th Nine Weeks

Unit 05: Cellular Processes: Photosynthesis and Respiration (10 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3E, B.4A, B.4B, B.9A, B.9B, B.9C, B.9D

Unit 06: Cell Growth and Differentiation (11 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.2E, B.2F, B.2H, B.3E, B.3F, B.4A, B.4B, B.5A, B.5B, B.5C, B.5D, B.6A, B.6B, B.9D

Unit 07: Mechanisms of Genetics: Gene Expression, Protein Synthesis, and Mutations (14 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2G, B.2H, B.3E, B.4A, B.4B, B.5C, B.6A, B.6B, B.6C, B.6D, B.6E, B.9D

Unit 11: Viruses, Bacteria, and Protists (7 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3D, B.3E, B.3F, B.4A, B.4C, B.7E, B.8B, B.8C, B.11B, B.11C

Unit 12: Plant Systems (10 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.5B, B.7E, B.8C, B.10B, B.10C, B.11A, B.11B, B.11C

Unit 13: Animal Systems (7 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.5B, B.6G, B.8C, B.10A, B.10C, B.11A, B.11B, B.11C

Unit 14: Making Connections Through Scientific Inquiry (10 days for the entire unit)
B.1A, B.1B, B.2B, B.2E, B.2F, B.2G, B.2H, B.3A, B.3B, B.3C, B.3D, B.3F



All rules and school policies that are in the student handbook are applicable in this classroom.

Classroom Rules

1.             Be on time.

2.             Bring all of your class supplies with you. 

3.             Be respectful of the teacher, substitutes, and other students.

4.             Know the classroom procedures and follow them.

5.             Check your attitudes and excuses at the door.  





Syllabus: Concepts of Biology 1408 (Dual Credit)
Course Number:  BIOL 1408
Semester & Year:  Fall

Instructor Information

            Name: Philip Shayne Erwin   
            Room 109 Linden Kildare High School
            Telephone: (903)-756-5314 Ext 4109
            Office Hours: TBD

Textbook Information

This semester for Concepts of Biology, we will be using an open source textbook developed by Rice University.  You can purchase a copy of the textbook at the TC Bookstore, or you can download it as a PDF to you computer, tablet, phone, etc. for free from the Rice OpenStax website.  Select “Get this Book” in the orange box toward the center of the page and select how you would like to receive the book.

  1. Print-allows you to order a copy from OpenStax.  You can also purchase a copy from the TC Bookstore.
  2. PDF-This format can be read on most tablet devices like ipad, kindle, and most smart phones.  You can select high resolution which takes up more space and takes longer to download or lower resolution.
  3. Web View-you can read the book live on the web from your computer or device connected to the Internet.  The book does not download.
  4. EPUB-another format for popular mobile devices such as the NOOK.


We will be using the Inquiry into Life laboratory manual by Sylvia Mader (14th edition). It can be purchased from the TC Bookstore. ISBN: 978-0-07-751624-6.

Lecture and Lab Student Learning Outcomes for the Course

  1. Distinguish between prokaryotic, eukaryotic, plant and animal cells, and identify major cell structures.
  2. Identify stages of the cell cycle, mitosis (plant and animal), and meiosis.
  3. Interpret results from cell physiology experiments involving movement across membranes, enzymes, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration.
  4. Apply genetic principles to predict the outcome of genetic crosses and statistically analyze results.
  5. Describe karyotyping, pedigrees, and biotechnology and provide an example of the uses of each.
  6. Identify parts of a DNA molecule, and describe replication, transcription, and translation.
  7. Analyze evidence for evolution and natural selection.



Student Requirements for Completion of the Course and Due Dates

Dates are subject to change:


Lecture Exams                                   Chapters Covered                 Date

Exam 1                                               Chapters 1-2                          Week 3

Exam 2                                               Chapters 3-4                          Week 6

Exam 3                                               Chapters 5-6                          Week 9

Exam 4                                               Chapters 7-8                          Week 12

Exam 5                                               Chapters 9-11                        Week 15

Comprehensive Final                        Chapters 1-11                        Finals Week


Students will be evaluated on a combination of lecture examinations, quizzes, articles and other class assignments, and a comprehensive final examination.  All lecture tests may include multiple choice, essay, short answer, and labeling questions. 


Dates  Week                                                  Material to be covered

Aug. 25-29     1                                              Go over syllabus; Chapter 1

Sept. 1-5         2                                              Chapter 2

Sept. 8-12       3                                              Exam 1; Chapter 3

Sept. 15-19     4                                              Continue Chapter 3; Chapter 4

Sept. 22-26     5                                              Chapter 4

9/29-10/3     6                                              Exam 2; Chapter 5

Oct. 6-10         7                                              Chapter 5 and 6

Oct. 13-17       8                                              Chapter 6

Oct. 20-24       9                                              Exam 3; Chapter 7

Oct. 27-31       10                                            Chapter 7 and 8

Nov. 3-7          11                                            Chapter 8

Nov. 10-14     12                                            Exam 4; Chapter 9

Nov. 17-21     13                                            Chapter 9

Nov. 24-28                                                     Thanksgiving Week-no classes

Dec. 1-5          14                                            Chapters 10-11

Dec. 8-12        15                                            Finish Chapter 11; Review; Exam 5

Dec. 15-17      16                                            Final Exam

This outline is subject to change for reasons of course interest, time constraints, or instructor decision.  The exams will be administered on the dates given, unless material relevant for a given exam has not been covered.  Under such cases, an exam may be moved a class period or two to aid in the clarity and understanding of the material.


Lab Reports and other written assignments in lab are due at the beginning of the class session.  Work can be turned in via e-mail to my e-mail address:


Student Requirements for Completion of the Course and Due Dates

Dates are subject to change:


Weeks                         Units Covered                                                 Quizzes and Exams

Week 1                        Scientific Method      

Week 2                        Metric System, Microscopes                           Lab quiz 1

Week 3                        Cell Composition       

Week 4                        Cell Structure                                                  Lab Exam 1

Week 5                        Cellular Respiration,  

Week 6                        Enzymes                                                          Lab quiz 2

Week 7                        Photosynthesis           

Week 8                        Mitosis                                                Lab Exam 2

Week 9                        Meiosis           

Week 10                      Human Genetics                                             Lab quiz 3

Week 11                      Patterns of Inheritance                                    Lab Exam 3

Week 12                      DNA  

Week 13                      DNA Technology                                           Lab quiz 4


Week 14                      Evolution                                                        Lab quiz 5

Week 15                      Review                                                            Lab Exam 4

Week 16                      FINALS WEEK        

Note: This outline is subject to change for reasons of course interest, time constraint, or instructor decision.  The exams will be administered on the dates given, unless material relevant for a given exam has not been covered. Under such cases, an exam may be moved a class period or two to aid in the clarity and understanding of the material.


Student Assessment


Lecture Exams and Final Exam


Weekly Quizzes


Lab Exams


Lab Reports







Grading Scale

Semester Grade           Course Average

A                                 89.5-100

B                                 79.5-89.4

C                                 69.5-79.4

D                                 59.5-69.4

F                                  59.4-below


Cell Phone Policy

All cell phones will be turned off and kept out of sight in class.  If any phones are out while testing, I will assume you are cheating.  There will be no talking on phones or texting while lecture and discussion is taking place.  If you cannot abide by this policy, you will be asked to leave.


Student Responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to know and comply with the instructor’s policy and to contact the instructor to make up missed work.


Attendance Policy

Roll will be taken during each class.  It is recommended that students contact the instructor if missing a class is necessary. A student with four absences may be dropped from the class for lack of attendance.  If an enrolled student stops attending class and chooses to receive an F, the last date they attended will be listed on the final grade sheet and they will most likely have to pay back money received from grants or scholarships. If a student leaves and returns during class or leaves the class before the class is over, he/she may be considered absent. Three tardies constitute one absence.


Excused Absences: A student’s absence due to school trips and/or school business will not be counted against a student’s allowable number of absences. Military duty and absences for Holy Days (FBD LEGAL) are covered in a separate section of the catalog and the student handbook. These are the only excused absences that are considered by Texarkana College. Responsibility for work missed for any absence is placed on the student. Instructors are required to allow students to make up work missed if the absence is due to military duty or religious holy days when students follow the correct notification procedures. Instructors are not required to allow students to make up work for absences due to other reasons.


After official registration, the following number of unexcused absences will be the maximum allowable before a student may be dropped from the class.

Academic Classes



Class or Lab Meets:


Once a week (Night classes or Friday classes)

Twice a week  (MW or TR classes)

Three times a week (MWF or TRF classes)

Four times a week (MTWR classes)



An instructor may withdraw a student from a course if absences exceed:





Three tardies count as one absence





Make-up Policy

Make-up exams should not be required.  If any must be administered, they will be worth 75% of the actual score on the exam.  Make-up exams may differ in format from the original test.  All make-up exams will be recorded as a zero until they are made up.  Late work will not be accepted.  Quizzes and in-class assignments may not be made up.


Academic Integrity Statement

Scholastic dishonesty, involving but not limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, collusion, or falsification of records will make the student liable for disciplinary action after being investigated by the Dean of Students. Proven violations of this nature will result in the student being dropped from the class with an “F”.

This policy applies campus wide, including TC Testing Center, as well as off-campus classroom or lab sites, including dual credit campuses. This information can be found in the Student Handbook at


Disability Act Statement: 

Texarkana College complies with all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and makes reasonable accommodations upon request. Please contact Larry Andrews at (903) 823-3450 ext. 3349, or go by the Recruitment, Advisement, and Retention Department located in the Administration building for personal assistance. If you have an accommodation letter from their office indicating that you have a disability which requires academic accommodations, please present it to me so we can discuss the accommodations that you might need for this class. It is best to request these changes at the beginning if not before the start of class so there is ample time to make the accommodations.


Financial Aid

Attention! Dropping this class may affect your funding in a negative way! You could owe money to the college and/or federal government. Please check with the Financial Aid office before making a decision.




The above syllabus, policies, schedule, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances or by mutual agreement between the instructor and the students.





Syllabus: Concepts of Biology 1409 (Dual Credit)
Course Number:  BIOL 1409
Semester & Year:  Spring 

Instructor Information

            Name: Philip Shayne Erwin    

            Room 109 Linden Kildare High School

            Telephone: (903)-756-5314 Ext 4109


            Office Hours: TBD

Textbook Information

This semester for Concepts of Biology, we will be using an open source textbook developed by Rice University.  You can purchase a copy of the textbook at the TC Bookstore, or you can download it as a PDF to you computer, tablet, phone, etc. for free from the Rice OpenStax website.  Select “Get this Book” in the orange box toward the center of the page and select how you would like to receive the book.

a)         Print-allows you to order a copy from OpenStax.  You can also purchase a copy from the TC Bookstore.

b)         PDF-This format can be read on most tablet devices like ipad, kindle, and most smart phones.  You can select high resolution which takes up more space and takes longer to download or lower resolution.

c)         Web View-you can read the book live on the web from your computer or device connected to the Internet.  The book does not download.

d)         EPUB-another format for popular mobile devices such as the NOOK.


We will be using the Inquiry into Life laboratory manual by Sylvia Mader (14th edition). It can be purchased from the TC Bookstore. ISBN: 978-0-07-751624-6.


Lecture and Lab Student Learning Outcomes for the Course

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

1.  Describe modern evolutionary synthesis, natural selection, population genetics, micro and macroevolution, and speciation.

2. Describe phylogenetic relationships and classification schemes.

3. Identify the major phyla of life with an emphasis on plants and animals, including the basis for classification, structural and physiological adaptations, evolutionary history, and ecological siginificance.

4. Describe basic animal physiology and homeostasis as maintained by organ systems.

5. Compare different sexual and asexual life cycles noting their adaptive advantages.

6. Illustrate the relationship between major geologic change, extinctions, and evolutionary trends.



Student Requirements for Completion of the Course and Due Dates

*Dates are subject to change*

Lecture Exams

Chapters Covered


Exam 1

Chapters 11-12

Week 3

Exam 2

Chapters 13

Week 5

Exam 3

Chapters 14

Week 7

Exam 4

Chapters 15

Week 9

Exam 5

Chapters 16-17

Week 12

Exam 6

Chapter 18

Week 13

Exam 7

Chapters 19-21

Week 15

Comprehensive Final

Chapters 11-21

Finals Week


Class Schedule



Material to be covered

Week 1


Go over syllabus; Chapter 11

Week 2


Chapter 11, Begin Chapter 12

Week 3


Exam 1; Begin Chapter 13

Week 4


Chapter 13

Week 5


Exam 2; Begin Chapter 14

Week 6


Chapter 14

Week 7


Exam 3; Begin Chapter 15



Spring Break-No classes

Week 8


Chapter 15

Week 9


Chapter 15; Exam 4

Week 10


Chapter 16

Week 11


Chapter 16; Begin Chapter 17

Week 12


Chapter 17; Exam 5

Week 13


Chapter 18; Exam 6

Week 14


Chapters 19-21

Week 15


Exam 7

Week 16


Final Exam

This outline is subject to change for reasons of course interest, time constraints, or instructor decision.  The exams will be administered on the dates given, unless material relevant for a given exam has not been covered.  Under such cases, an exam may be moved a class period or two to aid in the clarity and understanding of the material.



Student Requirements for Completion of the Course and Due Dates

*Dates are subject to change*


Units Covered

Quizzes and Exams

Week 1



Week 2

Evolution and Phylogeny

Quiz 1

Week 3



Week 4


Quiz 2

Week 5


Exam 1

Week 6



Week 7


Quiz 3

Spring Break

No classes


Week 8



Week 9


Exam 2

Week 10

Body Systems


Week 11

Body Systems

Quiz 4

Week 12

Body Systems, Immunity

Exam 3

Week 13

Animal Reproduction, Dev.


Week 14


Quiz 5

Week 15


Exam 4

Week 16

Finals Week


Note: This outline is subject to change for reasons of course interest, time constraint, or instructor decision.  The exams will be administered on the dates given, unless material relevant for a given exam has not been covered. Under such cases, an exam may be moved a class period or two to aid in the clarity and understanding of the material.


Student Assessment


Lecture Exams and Final Exam


Weekly Quizzes


Lab Exams


Lab Reports







Grading Scale:

Semester Grade           Course Average

A                                 89.5-100

B                                 79.5-89.4

C                                 69.5-79.4

D                                 59.5-69.4

F                                  59.4-below


Cell Phone Policy

All cell phones will be turned off and kept out of sight in class.  If any phones are out while testing, I will assume you are cheating.  There will be no talking on phones or texting while lecture and discussion is taking place.  If you cannot abide by this policy, you will be asked to leave.


Student Responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to know and comply with the instructor’s policy and to contact the instructor to make up missed work.


Attendance Policy

Roll will be taken during each class.  It is recommended that students contact the instructor if missing a class is necessary. A student with four absences may be dropped from the class for lack of attendance.  If an enrolled student stops attending class and chooses to receive an F, the last date they attended will be listed on the final grade sheet and they will most likely have to pay back money received from grants or scholarships. If a student leaves and returns during class or leaves the class before the class is over, he/she may be considered absent. Three tardies constitute one absence.


Excused Absences: A student’s absence due to school trips and/or school business will not be counted against a student’s allowable number of absences. Military duty and absences for Holy Days (FBD LEGAL) are covered in a separate section of the catalog and the student handbook. These are the only excused absences that are considered by Texarkana College. Responsibility for work missed for any absence is placed on the student. Instructors are required to allow students to make up work missed if the absence is due to military duty or religious holy days when students follow the correct notification procedures. Instructors are not required to allow students to make up work for absences due to other reasons.


After official registration, the following number of unexcused absences will be the maximum allowable before a student may be dropped from the class.

Academic Classes



Class or Lab Meets:


Once a week (Night classes or Friday classes)

Twice a week  (MW or TR classes)

Three times a week (MWF or TRF classes)

Four times a week (MTWR classes)



An instructor may withdraw a student from a course if absences exceed:





Three tardies count as one absence





Make-up Policy

Make-up exams should not be required.  If any must be administered, they will be worth 75% of the actual score on the exam.  Make-up exams may differ in format from the original test.  All make-up exams will be recorded as a zero until they are made up.  Late work will not be accepted.  Quizzes and in-class assignments may not be made up.


Academic Integrity Statement

Scholastic dishonesty, involving but not limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, collusion, or falsification of records will make the student liable for disciplinary action after being investigated by the Dean of Students. Proven violations of this nature will result in the student being dropped from the class with an “F”.

This policy applies campus wide, including TC Testing Center, as well as off-campus classroom or lab sites, including dual credit campuses. This information can be found in the Student Handbook at


Disability Act Statement: 

Texarkana College complies with all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and makes reasonable accommodations upon request. Please contact Larry Andrews at (903) 823-3450 ext. 3349, or go by the Recruitment, Advisement, and Retention Department located in the Administration building for personal assistance. If you have an accommodation letter from their office indicating that you have a disability which requires academic accommodations, please present it to me so we can discuss the accommodations that you might need for this class. It is best to request these changes at the beginning if not before the start of class so there is ample time to make the accommodations.


Financial Aid

Attention! Dropping this class may affect your funding in a negative way! You could owe money to the college and/or federal government. Please check with the Financial Aid office before making a decision.




The above syllabus, policies, schedule, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances or by mutual agreement between the instructor and the students.